EU-IST Project: NeOn

NeOn: Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies is a large integrated project due to start in March-April of 2006. The aim of this project is to create the reference architecture for the development of applications based on networked and rapidly changing ontologies:
The aim of NeOn is to create the first ever service-oriented, open infrastructure, and associated methodology, to support the development life-cycle of such a new generation of semantic applications, with the overall goal of extending the state of the art with economically viable solutions. These applications will rely on a network of contextualized ontologies, exhibiting local but not necessarily global consistency.Even though this project hasn't started yet, there is already quite a bit of discussion about it. Many of the "big players" in semantic technologies in Europe are partners in this project - this is a project you'll continue to hear about.
Project Data
Integrated Project, March/April 2006 until end of March/April 2010
Estimated Project Cost and funding: not public yet
Coordinator: Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University (UK)
Institute AIFB, Universitaet Karlsruhe (Germany),
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain),
Software AG (Germany),
iSOCO S.A. (Spain),
'Jozef Stefan' Institute (Slovenia),
INRIA (France),
University of Sheffield (UK),
Universitaet Koblenz-Landau (Germany),
ontoprise GmbH (Germany),
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy),
Asociación Española de Comercio Electrónico (Spain),
United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (Italy),
Atos Origin s.a.e. (Spain).
Earlier Project Profiles: VIKEF
Tags: Semantic Web, EU-IST, EU-ICT
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